

The Christ Child Society of Pasadena was organized as a chapter of the National Christ Child Society in October 1933, by Reverend Mother M. Charles Borromeo, S.H.C.J., at Mayfield School with a membership of 15 laywomen.

The first service activity of the Society was clothing newborn infants of needy families, as is traditional of Christ Child Society chapters. The first members met weekly in the auditorium of Mayfield Junior School to sew garments and assemble layettes, which were distributed through the Catholic Welfare Bureau, the maternity sections of hospitals, and referrals by pastors and individuals.

In the years that followed, the Christ Child Society of Pasadena expanded its efforts to offer everything from classes in sewing, knitting, and crocheting to young girls, to caring for children with tuberculosis and organizing a hospital auxiliary for Santa Teresita hospital. Other projects through the years have included a Shoe Fund that parochial school principals could use in purchasing shoes for needy students, camperships for boys and girls to attend Catholic summer camps.

Christ Child Society of Pasadena activities have been funded by membership dues, blanket clubs, bridge teas, bridge classes, craft Christmas sales, and rummage sales. The spirit of Mother Borromeo lives on today, as chapter members donate their time, talent, and funding to support needy children in the Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley area.